I have often used task cards for daily warm ups by throwing one or two up on the document camera and having the entire class complete it. I created a set of Valentine's Day Math Task Cards this weekend, and I wanted to use them differently this time around since we have more time to use them, and since they are a review of so many skills. It's test prep time, so our warm ups are all about review, review, review!
I used the Dollar Spot file folders to put a set of task cards in for each table group (you can read more about the folders at my Task Card Organization post
HERE). I labeled the sections to hold 4 cards each and then put the appropriate numbered cards behind each section. (The labeled section that you see here has cards 9-12 paper clipped together right behind it). You don't necessarily have to label them, but I did it so that it's easier for students to see which ones they still need to do.
I put the file folders in an adorable little bin they had at the Dollar Spot (they are the perfect size to hold the folders!) so that they wouldn't get disorganized and were easy for the kids to grab at the beginning of class. The bin found a nice little spot next to my other task cards.
I then paired the students with another child in their same table group to work on the same 4 cards each day (or you could do 2 or 3 cards depending on how much time you have to devote to your warm up or daily review). They don't work on the card together (although you could have them do so), they simply share the cards and then compare and check answers at the end of the warm up time. This gives students some freedom to work at their own pace, since there are four cards divided between two students. They can also work ahead in their file folder if they have extra time.
We tried this out today, and it worked beautifully! Tomorrow, they will grab their same folder and select a different set of four cards to work on. They will still be working on the same SET of task cards, just another range of cards. I love how they are reviewing different skills each day, but changing it up a bit from a normal warm up.
You can do this with absolutely any set of task cards and any subject. Next month, I am going to put several different sets of task cards in the folders so that they have even more review.
You could easily differentiate it as well with your grouping...put all of the kids who need to review a specific skill in one group, or the kids who need enrichment in another skill in a different group, and they can work on a different set of task cards.
The task cards that my students are working on in these pictures are my
Valentine's Day Mixed Math Review Task Cards.
You can see my other math task cards